The software is specially designed to offer cyber protection to activists and journalists using ProtonMail. Thus eliminating all chances of data capture and decryption. Further, the platform comes with integrated cipher suites featuring Perfect Forward Secrecy options. Thus, allowing them to surf through the internet without any surveillance. ProtonVPN does not track its user’s internet activities and share any information with third parties. Users can also depend on the particular to keep their browsing history private. The software uses a secured, encrypted VPN tunnel to forward its users’ internet traffic, ensuring the highest possible security for confidential data and passwords.

ProtonVPN is a security-focused high-speed Swiss VPN solution that protects its users’ privacy online. show more Speedify vs Windscribe | Windscribe Alternatives Doubling as a browser extension, it comes loaded with features like split tunnelling, port forwarding, config generators, scribe force and no identity logs. Windscribe uses AES-256 cipher with 4096-bit RSA key and SHA512 auth eliminating all forms of data leaks. Also, R.O.B.E.R.T, an IP and ad-blocking tool present within the same functions across all devices seamlessly. Further, this VPN protection software comes equipped with a large network of its own and is accessible to users across 110 cities and 63 countries. With a belief that information over the internet should be accessible to everyone without the fear of privacy violation, Windscribe offers an excellent set of features that assures organised outcomes. It makes sure that the user's data (browsing activity, entertainment content and ad) is completely encrypted, enabling seamless business operations. Windscribe is a robust VPN and ad blocker software that provides adequate safety while searching the net.